Lean CDN encodes any video or audio source and streams to multiple resolutions
for every screen size

Our Content Delivery Network (CDN) solution delivers steady and un-interrupted streams on any public network

LEAN Streamer

Lean Streaming platform delivers reliable, flexible, and scalable solutions for any setup.

Deliver Anywhere In The World!

LEAN CDN is designed to deliver live or recorded content to any geographical location in the world.

Stream anywhere

Stream on any device

Stream on any network

Stream any quality

Enjoy Uninterrupted Streaming with our CDN platform

Lean CDN offers the fastest and uninterrupted streaming irrespective of distance in between the servers and users. The output stream carries multiple profiles which is adapted according to the customer last mile network quality.

Headend CDN

LEAN CDN brings highest level of streaming quality and best user experience by ensuring zero packet loss with no latency in streaming on any network.

Ready to start Streaming?